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Intuition as Habit

Have you ever felt you were out of sync and wanting to build momentum in life?

After years of exploring different techniques around organization and task lists, I decided it was time to revisit the entire notion of progress in life. Rather than simply knocking down checklists, I needed a tool that ebbed and flowed with my life, allowing me to build my intuitive skills, honing them as I experienced.

Why intuition is hard but critical to your life:

Intuition is tough because most of us aren't born with an incredible sense of knowing. At least I wasn't. It's something you have to work at and even evolves in terms of what it means to you. And yet once you get it, your entire grasp of potential changes. You instinctively know what's awesome and what's not, what you're good at and what you should abandon. It's a flow. What you think is truth one day may evolve into something different the next.

Be a part of my product process!

What started as a personal project I realized could be shared to help others. I'd love to learn how you're using it, and what could be done to personalize for you. Intuition is different for each of us. It takes time, practice, but ultimately each of us can define what it means. Please forgive the weak design, I'm working on features first!!!! :)

What exactly is it?

It's a method I'm still developing, but the easiest way to think about it is a fluid combination of intent setting and daily tasks that are tracked. The method it reaches you is important, so you can receive your reports over email or on the site. I use my phone a lot, so receiving my updates by phone was crucial for me. I'm working on making it easy to sign up in a tutorial format to get started, but again, let me wherever you've got questions.

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